Friday, November 7, 2014

Nowhere Safe

Starring: Natasha Henstridge, Jamie Kennedy, Danielle Chuchran, James Gaisford,Tatum Chiniquy
and Jeremias Elvegaard
Running Time: 1 Hour and 30 Minutes

This is a movie based on a true story. It deals with a young high-school age girl, Ashley Evans (Danielle Chuchran) who has been extremely bullied and cyber-bullied! The problem gets increasingly worse with time when students push her around and assault her at both school and her home, she feels very scared and threatened! She and her mother, Julie Johnson (Natasha Henstridge) make the difficult decision that they need to escape their home and move on to a new community with a fresh start. They packed up all of their belongings and left in the middle of the night.
Young Ashley was accused of writing bad things about other students and teachers in her school! Several girls joined together and used Ashley's name to open a fake page on a social media site to spread the malicious lies and rumors. They convinced others that Ashley was the perpetrator and that she was a mean and heartless girl to the point that no one wanted to be seen with her or be her friend! Nothing could have been further from the truth! She was a nice, sweet and kind girl with a good heart.
When they arrive at their new home things seem to be okay with a few rough spots adjusting to her new school and new life. There are some dominant kids who try to run her down and belittle her which causes her to have flashbacks from her previous school. She rolls with the flow and tries to adapt and make the best of it.
When the cute, handsome boy Nick (James Gaisford) starts to become interested in Ashley, his girlfriend Carrie (Tatum Chiniquy) is upset and tries to cause her problems all over again!
I found this movie to be interesting and very touching! It is always very hard to see these young, kind innocent kids be victims of bullying and harassment. I think that this movie did a really great job portraying Ashley and all of the agony that she endured! She fought her battle and came out victorious in the end. She was a good and strong example for other young people to look up to and emulate in their own personal struggles with bullying and ridicule that unfortunately is so prevalent in our society today.
I think this is an excellent movie for all young people to see!
Parents be advised: There are some scenes in this movie which are hard to watch because of the violence and ridicule that is perpetrated on young Ashley. Some of the students hit and punch her and cause bodily harm to her!
"Nowhere Safe" is available on DVD in stores.
I am giving "Nowhere Safe" three bags of popcorn.

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